最美的聲音 ‧ 最愛的歌
Most Beautiful Voices | Most Beautiful Songs:
Viola and Piano Folk Song Concert
─ 中提琴與鋼琴民謠演奏會 ─
2023.03.29 陽明交大演藝廳
鋼 琴 Piano / 廖皎含 Chiao-han Liao
中 提 琴 Viola / 楊瑞瑟 Jui-se Yang
英文導聆 English pre-concert talk/陳柏翰 Po-han Chen
主辦單位 | 國立陽明交通大學藝文中心、國際事務處
協辦單位 | 財團法人春詠藝術文化基金會
Folk songs are based on emotional and historical memories that are linked to a piece of land. Tempered and sung from generation to generation, they have become people’s favorite songs and the most beautiful voices.
Viola is the most suitable instrument to convey the charm of Taiwanese folk songs. This concert presents the connotation of timeless folk songs through a violist and a pianist. English explanations of the backgrounds of these songs are also provided in simple terms. Music lovers who attend this concert to appreciate the beauty of the songs will also learn about the local culture of Taiwanese people and the emotional stories of their ancestors.
This concert is performed by violist Ms. Jui-se Yang and pianist Ms. Chiao-han Liao, who are professors in the Department of Music of National Taiwan Normal University, with Mr. Po-Han Chen providing a pre-concert talk in English.
演出曲目 ∴
1. 河邊春夢
Dreams of Spring Tide by the River
2. 快樂的出航
Happy Sailing
3. 耕農歌
Farming Song
4. 天黑黑
The Sky is Dark
5. 望你早歸
Wish You Come Back Soon
6. 綠島小夜曲
Serenade of Green Island
7. 秋風夜雨
All in the Dim Cold Night
8. 秋風夜雨
All in the Dim Cold Night
9. 西北雨
Summer Rain
10. 夜來香
The Tuberose